Ideology Tower Defense Prototype
My interest in political science lead me to create this game. It's a simple tower defense game, probably very unbalanced, with ten waves, one map, and two towers. Each round, the health of the enemies increases. I built a framework for many more features, but until further notice, development of this project will be halted, as my interests have moved. If anyone wants to, they can use my code, though it may not be the best. A link to the Github here. Keep in mind, however, that there is a lot of unused code that was going to go to allowing you to upgrade your towers outside of battle in a shop. The code is also scarcely commented, as I tried to rush development of this game, which I now know is a terrible idea.
Anarcho Primitivist: Cheap and low damage, has piercing shots. Top path upgrades pierce and attack speed, bottom path upgrades resource gathering.
Democratic Socialist: Expensive and high damage, has infinite range. Top path increases damage and pierce, bottom path increases attack speed.
Current Issues:
- Low tower diversity
-Low enemy diversity
-Hovering text for towers doesn't always work
-Democratic Socialist tower is not cost effective
-Screen is partly cut off when not in full screen
-Sell tower isn't an option
-Some targeting methods were left in but not implemented because the corresponding enemy type was not implemented (horseshoe and anti).
-Music was not added
-More maps could be added
-Text isn't C R I S P enough
Special Thanks:
Reddit user u/StormTiger2304 for the sprites for the towers and enemies.
Sebastian Lague for Bezier Curve Path add-on, helped a ton with pathing for enemies.
My History Teacher Mr. Schmidt for getting me into politics!
My friends for discussing ideas with me.