Idle Commander (Wobling)
Idle Commander is a prototype, there are bugs and things are rough, art is mostly Kenney from The balance is wild and has not had much thought put into it at this point as proving the concept is my key requirement at this stage.
The prototype can be completed in around 10 minutes, by completion that's pretty much researching all of the available techs in the blue tech tree icon top right.
Your progress is saved every 10 seconds, you can go offline and come back later and your structures will have produced some resources for you (assuming you have capacity)
On the left is a panel of buttons that allow you can hover over to learn about the structure, clicking the button allows you to place that structure on the map. Note the mass extractor can only be placed on the green hexagons.
Structures can yield and consume resources so try to balance your economy, if you get yourself into a deficit and can't recover click a structure you have placed that consumes a resource and disable it.
Clicking on a structure to interact with it also yields the possibility of upgrades. In the upgrade panel there is a red bar that fills, you can ignore this as it's currently not completely implemented.
Feedback is greatly appreciated and please enjoy idle Commander!