IM Moskosel Adventure
Current level: Day 1, arriving in Moskosel and moving in to the residency.
Use the arrows on your keyboard to play (touch screen works too but keyboard is easier).
This is a 'live' game in the making, sharing the process of making the game and visiting the art community during an artist residency at the IM Konsthall in Moskosel, Sweden. Each day for about a month new events will be added and shared.
You are welcome to send me (@isdraken at Instagram) a story from Moskosel, or nearby, and maybe I will add it to the game!
The game is made with the Bitsy engine
Spela med piltangenterna (pekskärm funkar med).
Detta är ett spel som delas medan det görs, under en månads residens på IM Konsthall i Moskosel.
Har du berättelser från Moskosel eller närområdet kan du gärna sända dem (@isdraken på Instagram) eller skriva i kommentarsfältet nedan så kanske de inkluderas i spelet!