Immortality reviews

I’m marking this as complete but I only played maybe a third or half of the game and then read a few different “full story explained” summaries. I didn’t do this because I wasn’t liking the game. It’s just it was leaving gamepass and I didn’t give myself enough time to play it. I wish I started it earlier because it was a cool game, just not the type of game you want to binge. I need to be in a specific mood for a game like this. 

I thought the acting and writing in this game was actually really good. I was very impressed. And the story and mystery was pretty engaging as well. Especially when you see more of the inverse scenes.

Based on the summaries I read I really liked the story. It sounded awesome. I’m curious how much I would have picked up on by myself if I just played the game. My guess is very little. I bet if I actually played I wouldn’t have had a fucking clue about what was actually going on but we will never know.

In summary, damn I wish I started sooner.