Oh boy. I'm really glad I didn't know anything about this game when I got it because I as caught off guard. This is a great example of how to use video games as more than just games. The premise is so simple but once you start noticing the bigger picture and getting into the mystery of the story you might not be able to stop. I had countless times having a "one more turn" moment to try and unlock new scenes. This game is hot as well and the character of Marissa does a fantastic job of being a seductress. The parallels of what the game is conveying is also very interesting. Showcasing the predatory nature of Hollywood and the exploitation of young women but also showing how these scenes in film can be used as art. This is definitely a game you need to play and experience for yourself. I think everyone in this does a fantastic job but the two female leads in particular are incredible.
The main issue I had was when you backtrack to get certain things to trigger I found it not working half the time. The surefire method I found was getting to the prompt and doing the frame by frame and hitting play when it finally locked in. I ended up getting the platinum for this and with the RNG of where images will take you made that difficult.
The main issue I had was when you backtrack to get certain things to trigger I found it not working half the time. The surefire method I found was getting to the prompt and doing the frame by frame and hitting play when it finally locked in. I ended up getting the platinum for this and with the RNG of where images will take you made that difficult.
I’m marking this as complete but I only played maybe a third or half of the game and then read a few different “full story explained” summaries. I didn’t do this because I wasn’t liking the game. It’s just it was leaving gamepass and I didn’t give myself enough time to play it. I wish I started it earlier because it was a cool game, just not the type of game you want to binge. I need to be in a specific mood for a game like this.
I thought the acting and writing in this game was actually really good. I was very impressed. And the story and mystery was pretty engaging as well. Especially when you see more of the inverse scenes.
Based on the summaries I read I really liked the story. It sounded awesome. I’m curious how much I would have picked up on by myself if I just played the game. My guess is very little. I bet if I actually played I wouldn’t have had a fucking clue about what was actually going on but we will never know.
In summary, damn I wish I started sooner.
I thought the acting and writing in this game was actually really good. I was very impressed. And the story and mystery was pretty engaging as well. Especially when you see more of the inverse scenes.
Based on the summaries I read I really liked the story. It sounded awesome. I’m curious how much I would have picked up on by myself if I just played the game. My guess is very little. I bet if I actually played I wouldn’t have had a fucking clue about what was actually going on but we will never know.
In summary, damn I wish I started sooner.