Inevitable VR
“Inevitable VR” is a sci-fi experimental educational physics simulator built on Virtual Reality Htc Vive technology, where the player experiences the frenetic circumstances of an inevitable event. The game starts off with a scene of a meteor shower taking aim at the space station which puts it into emergency shutdown from impact and damage done. It is up to you to run through the corridors before the doors shut or if you don't want to risk it then simply solve the maths type problems to enable the hallway to open up in turn for you to get back to your space ship safely. but this will come at a cost as the space station starts to float away from the disaster that has struck and it is your task to retrieve and maintain the station whilst restoring it back to a functioning condition.
Anxiety, fear of failing and potential motion sickness will surround the player’s experience and give them enough excitement on finding the right solution to the problem.
Anxiety, fear of failing and potential motion sickness will surround the player’s experience and give them enough excitement on finding the right solution to the problem.
System requirements for PC
- OS: Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or later, Windows 10
- Processor: Intel Mobile Core i5 Dual-Core with Hyper-threading equivalent
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: Integrated Intel HD Graphics 620 equivalent or greater DX12 API Capable GPU
- DirectX: Version 12
- Storage: 10 GB available space
- Sound Card: any