Interconnected (Joph, Doninhahh)
Control two characters through a maze, find 7 keys and find the portal. Dante can rush through enemies, Alice can explode enemies.
There's a bug where the player just... dies, out of nowhere. Joy.
Edit: Seems like Alice's fireball is somehow extending her own collision box RANDOMNLY, allowing enemies to hit her through her attack before dying. 70% of the time, it works 100% of the time. Unfortunately, I have no idea how that came to be and there's not enough time so... :))))
Movement: WASD or Arrow keys.
Interact with doors: E
Special ability: Spacebar (for Dante) and Mouse Left Click (for Alice).
Bring partner to you: F
Switch characters: R
Pause: ESC
Sprites were made in Asesprite, music was made in beepbox, actual game was made in the Godot Game Engine.
Made by Doninhahh and Joph.