Internal Combustion

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This here is a simple city racer built on unity. It includes a number of different levels, one level is free roam - the player drives around with no limits (timing limits). There are three other levels that are goal focused, to get somewhere or to destroy something with a time restraint. 

This is the main menu, the player can load levels or view information from here.

This is what is seen when the free roam level is launched. In this level the player can explore the entire city.

Here the player can select which level to play.

Contribution to Project:                                                                                                                                 This was a solo learning project, I did the level design and the majority of the programming. The programming that I didn't do was the car and camera movement, I simply made changes to some statistics in the inspector tab. The level was built using a couple of free asset packs from the unity asset store.

For the programming that I did do I learnt many things. I learnt how to create a checkpoint system for the player, the goal can only be reached/hit if all checkpoints have been hit. I also created, using code, a fuel system for the car, that when depleted sends the player into a fuel empty scene.

Release date
Lucas Fernandes Marcos
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Internal Combustion screenshot, image №2483798 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Aug 17, 2020

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