Jump deeper & deeper into the frames
12 levels to test your anticipation skills.
12 levels to test your anticipation of anticipation skills.
A 13th level to challenge your anticipation of anticipation of anticipation skills.
12 levels to test your anticipation of anticipation skills.
A 13th level to challenge your anticipation of anticipation of anticipation skills.
This is our entry for LudumDare 48th jam. The imposed theme was “deeper and deeper”. In this bullet-hell like game, the player can reach another layer of reality where time is diluted: the deeper state. Think out of the box to master the deeper than deeper level and overcome the final challenge.
Made by: Julian & Thibaud & Julien & Leonaaard
Disclaimer: there may be some issues with the WebGL build, especially on safari, we highly recommend you to use a Windows-MacOS-Linux build for a better experience.
System requirements for macOS
System requirements for Linux
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Apr 30, 2021
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