Narrated by Ethan Hawke and created by the director of Madagascar, INVASION! is a colorful VR animated short about a duo of aliens with grand ambitions to take over our world and destroy anyone who tries to stop them. Instead, they are greeted by the cutest and cuddliest animals on the planet - two adorable, white bunnies….and you are one of them! Come experience what happens! Be sure to look down to see your bunny body!
Official selection of Cannes Le Marché du Film, Toronto International Film Festival and Tribeca Film Festival. Free for limited time.
Official selection of Cannes Le Marché du Film, Toronto International Film Festival and Tribeca Film Festival. Free for limited time.
System requirements for PC
- OS: Windows 7
- Processor: Intel Core i5 4590 or greater
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290 or better
- DirectX: Version 11
- Storage: 2 GB available space
INVASION! reviews and comments
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
This offers high quality visuals and animations - just what you'd expect from the creator of Madagascar! The story is short but entertaining. Alltogether it's a nice showcase for animated movies in VR, I hope there's more to come!
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Microsoft from Spain
Animated Short Film.
A cute bunny, some wicked aliens... And a smile from ear to ear since it starts until it's over.
You Have to see it (live it from within) Yes or yes.
It'S almost mute, so it doesn't matter if you don't know English.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
A great and funny designed VR comic story with cute Graphics. Since it is free, and good, clearly a Thumbs up!
My Curator page: My Steam Group:
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Microsoft from Spain
Full Analysis (~ 6.2/10.0) Attentive, this is a Game or Video? ... Very Good, so I invite you to... Add!!!.
... Read it all before you go crazy. For the price is Its Free. !!!!!.
and your time... It'll be Too short.
Fluffy Bunny... It's not funny, but it's cute, anyway, my soft furry legs and my fat-footed.
My Fearless Companion fought the savage invaders.
Only a few minutes long but very well animated.
Considerations: The Duration: As Such the Video has a Very short duration.
The Price: It Is considered Its Free. !!!!!.
Regarding its content..
The story: The Game has a Very good story but it can be better!!!
Quality: The Video has a Good content... Quality...
The quantity:... Acceptable...
Good Thing: There Are Several good things in the Game, like... History/Context, Effects, Price,...
The bad: There Are things you should consider, like... Diversity...
The Ugly: There Are things you don't want to see, like... Duration...
What's uncomfortable: Coming Soon.
Possible improvements: Obviously The Bad and the ugly, but there may be more... Soon.
Rating: Rating: ~ 6.2/10.0 ADD!!!.
Gameplay: N/A/10.0 N/A or No.
Difficulty/IA: N/A/10.0 N/A or Not.
Content: 6.0/10.0 Acceptable.
Video/Graphics: 6.0/10.0 Good, Level PS3 or more.
History/Context: 8.0/10.0 Very Good but can be better!!!
Environment: Good 6.0/10.0.
Effects: 7.0/10.0 More than good.
Music: 6.0/10.0 Good.
Vocals: 4.0/10.0 Mala.
Diversity: 5.0/10.0 Regular.
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