Investigator reviews

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Microsoft from Deutsch
I love this game !!! I find it a few days ago randomly in steam store. I never play something like this before and i bought it, because the trailer makes me curious AND i not get disappointed when i play this game !!!! You need walk there through graphical wonderful created buildings and impressive snow-landscapes and collect few things so that story is going on. It builds up more and more tension in the game. And it have this great matching music in it. All in all i am thrilled)) I recommend this Walking Simulator !! Keep up the good work you make !!! ( and i cant await the next one u create !!)) )
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Anyone who knows and appreciates 35MM can spend €2 on this little Piece of work. The Graphics are realistic (except for the Spiders ...) and the Soundscape is more than just a plump Atmosphere. At the Bad Weather Front, I would have fallen asleep almost gently as the Sounds seem soothing to me. The Story is quickly told, that's why I don't go into it. The 3-4h Game time with all DLC's (if you play by Guide!) sin is feasible for any lazy casual Player. Nevertheless, I also have to mention negative Aspects that struck me ... For one thing here and there Bugs (in The Survival DLC I could jump into the Water), the Spiders looked very very squishy and unrealistic, which seemed very strange with such a very beautiful and detailed Backdrop. Logiking Errors in the short Story from time to time. An armored SUV overlaps several times in an ungrown deer?! DAFUQ. By and Large, though, a very nice "walking simulator" and a Fun For Arachnophobes like me:P
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Cheap but not good ... First of all, there are no Memory Levels in terms of game score (level Selection instead) and game Settings. You have to remake the (albeit few) settings after each game start. From time to time, a different Point is activated in the Menu than the one you chose (which is really caustic in the level and resolution selection). The oh so dangerous World you get into has no effective Dangers. You don't have to look for food to survive, or Shelter from Cold, etc. Nönö, you can't die in the Main Game, or be punished in any Way or be challenged. "Puzzles" that exist are stupid (for example, find the missing Fuses of a Power Box to open a Door). The story is really uninteresting. The Horror comes up short, not least because of the Impossibility of dying. In addition, a few Jump-scares and large polygon Poor Spiders are offered as a Horror Aspect. I can't get anything off the Graphic. Lots of Snow, Mud and Greens. Gives nicer ...