Iron and Ice: The Norway Campaign
Iron and Ice: a great name for a heavy metal band, and an apt name for a simulation of the 1940 battle for Norway. German forces landed in Norway on April 8th, 1940 to stop the Allies from occupying Narvik, and cutting off Germany’s access to iron ore from Northern Sweden during the winter, when Swedish ports were blocked by ice (Iron and Ice!). The game starts on April 12th. German forces have landed, but they are spread across the country, and Norwegian forces are still resisting. The British and French will soon land troops to link up with the Norwegians, and to try and capture German occupied Narvik and/or Trondheim. The allies control the sea, but the Luftwaffe can bomb targets across Norway. You play the British, and you must capture Narvik and Trondheim before the Germans begin their invasion of France. German bombers will gradually destroy the ports you need to supply your troops, so you need to act fast. Good luck!