Iron Knight (itch)
A submission for the DragonRuby Boss Battle Game Jam. Explore a small subsection of a subterranean factory... and encounter the oppressive mainframe controlling the facility! Fight for your life!!
For reference-
A and D to move left and right.
SPACE to jump, you cannot maneuver while in the air except through jumping again, or attacking. Hold A or D to angle your jump!
Hold down the right mouse button to aim your attack. Once you've steadied your aim, left-click to ninja-slash through the air to the mouse position- or through a long enough distance.
You can hold onto 3 mid-air jumps, and 3 mid-air attacks, where you must land before you can move again. If you're hit by an attack, or knock into a wall or ceiling while in the air, you'll be incapacitated until you come to a bouncing stop.