Isn't it a bit hotter than normal outside?

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Use the fullscreen button in the bottom right corner in order to see the game properly, the UI needs that to work! :)

Say, isn't the weather a bit hotter than usual?

Place buildings around the globe in order to escape an expanding sun in this quickpaced game. Strengthen the power grid with solar panels that will only work better and better the more dire the situation is, produce resources with mines, slow down the suns expansion with freezing cannons (do not ask me how they work) and build a spaceship to escape your doomed world.


* Mouse only

* Though you can quit using Esc


* Unity (though I will bloody well switch to Godot, waiting 30+ seconds every time I change a line of code is not for me)

* Aseprite (Used poorly)

* Krita

* ChipTone

* Bosca Ceoil

Soooo, how did my fifth LD in a row go? Well, I whipped up an idea and design in 20 minutes and managed to implement it so that's a success. I would say it's either an improvement or just as good on the technical side as my previous entries (especially the latest one) but... well... I don't think it's very fun? And of course it could have used more time and polish in basically every area but that's simply a product of LD being timed.

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Isn't it a bit hotter than normal outside? screenshot, image №3308459 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Apr 4, 2022

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