Iso Town

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Short description

Iso Town is a small city building and was more or less a practice project for me. There are a few buildings to create a small economy and gain more residents. You can either play endless and relax a bit or go for a highscore in one of the timed modes.

How to play

The warehouse is your central building which gives you range to build. Every other building needs to be conntected to it via paths to function.  First you should build some residence to gain gold and workers. Workers are necessary to production buildings, like a fisher or a woodhut. A fisher produces fish which is is consumed by your residents. This increases the amount of residents you have per house and also gives you more gold. The woodhut produces wood, which allows you to build more buildings.


  • Left click: select tile
  • Right click: deselect tile, scroll the screen
  • Mouse wheel: zoom in/out

Building descriptions

Warehouseunlocks at 50 residentsIs the starting point of the game and increases your build range and stock.Pathunlocks at 0 residentsIs necessary to connect production buildings and residences with warehouse.Residenceunlocks at 0 residentsInhabits residents that increase the gold income and can be workers for production buildings. More consumer goods increase the residents in each building.Woodhutunlocks at 0 residentsCuts tree tiles to produce building material wood.Fisherunlocks at 0 residentsUses river tiles to produce the consumer good fish.Quarryunlocks at 50 residentsMines stones to produces the production good stone.Brickyardunlocks at 50 residentsNeeds stone and produces the building material brick.Sheep farmunlocks at 50 residentsCultivates sheeps to produce the production good wool.Webroomunlocks at 50 residentsNeeds wool and produces the consumer good cloth.Grain Farmunlocks at 150 residentsHarvests fields to produce the production good grain.Windmillunlocks at 150 residentsNeeds grain and produces the production good flour.Bakeryunlocks at 150 residentsNeeds flour and produces the consumer good bread.Wallunlocks at 150 residentsCan protect residences by making a complete circle. Protected residences can contain more residents.  Can be upgraded to gates.
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

Iso Town screenshot, image №3795459 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Feb 24, 2023

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