Istrolid reviews

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
From the Shop Side, the Game made a good Impression ... But after I started the Game and created an Account, nothing else goes on ... No matter what I clicked or did nothing happen ... Nothing was received in my email Mailbox either. The Browser Version of the Game doesn't work for me either ...
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Well before all, it's not my style so I give a 0/10 and I laches a small cock................................................ _ ̧ "" "" _........................................ "--~ * ' ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o ' \..................................... ("-~ ~--" ̧ _....,/................................ ̧ "-^" ̄::::: ̧-̄ "̄/'........................ ̧" "-^" ̄::::::: ' \ ̧ "",-"* * ̄ ̄ ̄ ' ^^ ~-" ""----~ ^ * ' "̄:::::::::: ̧-".:.:.:.:. " -^ ":::::::::::::::::"-":.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::.:::::.:.:.:.:.:. ::::::: ̧ ""-^ ̄:. ':: ' \:::::::; ̧ ""-~ "̄:.:.:::"-"" "* * */* ' ì ̧ ' ̄:. ':::::"-":::" \.:.:.::::: ":::: \,:.:::::::::::: ' Ì:::::/ "-" _:::: _ "-* __" "~"
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
In The game istrolid you give orders to your fleet in battle, a separate ship or a group of ships. You are waiting for a lot of decisions about what will be equipped each of your ship separately: weapons, armor, shields, masking, engines, reactors and batteries for energy. In The company mode you need to manage each ship. In the other modes you can set the AI to your ships. (which is done in my case for a long time, but is rated high) the Main goals in the game while two, this: capture all points on the map, and in the company mode destroying bosses. It Is possible to organize battle up to 3 fleet of ships against 3 others. (Choose any ally and do not forget about the enemies) Each fleet is unique: some of the power of the fleet is focused on the near distance of combat, others-in the long range of firing missile turrets, third in one big ship-flagship, Which collects the entire flotilla and first rushes into battle; And some ships behave like invaders, others avoid the enemy and bombard it with a wave of uncontrollable rockets from afar. The game has a limitation: no more than 1000 points of power for one ship. It comes out that for 1000 points you can collect several small/medium-sized ships or one large (armored/armed to the teeth/fast/with a large radius of defeat) ship for your purposes... Bosses this limit is clearly exceeded and considered me the strongest in the game. This Game is very pleased me with its simplicity and the presence of clever and strong opponents, under each of them need their own tactics and a different fleet of ships.