J4CK-0-L4NTERN is a short platformer where the only way to destroy enemies is reflecting the projectiles they shoot at you. As the name suggests it should be a reimagining of the legend of the Jack o' Lantern in a futuristic setting, but not really.
CommandsA/D - Move left/right
Space Bar - Jump
Mouse - Move the lantern
Left mouse button - Shield; it will stay active as long as you keep the mouse button pressed
Warning: If playing the web version you run into any problems, graphical glitches or the game just doesn't run well consider playing the game in another browser (especially if you are using Google Chrome) or, if you are using Windows, you can also download the game further down below.
CreditsAn UnsupervisedWoods game
Non-Original Graphical Assets
Humanoid robot and explosion by Ansimuz [itch.io] [opengameart] [website]
Font by Nate547 [website]
Kayupla [itch.io] [bandcamp] [soundcloud]
Bocuma [itch.io] [bandcamp]
pdkmusic [itch.io] [website]
"Big Metal Chain" and "Mechanism Stuck" Copyright 2013 Iwan Gabovitch, CC-BY3 license [freesound.org]
miguelstar2 [freesound.org]
hykenfreak [freesound.org]
Little Robot Sound Factory [soundcloud.com] [opengameart]
Kenney.nl [website] [opengameart] [itch.io]
ObsydianX [itch.io] [soundcloud]
Cough-E [opengameart]
rubberduck [opengameart]
Timothy Adan [itch.io] [website]
legoluft [website]