Jay's Journey Double Feature (Demo)

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When monsters mysteriously attack the hometown of our protagonist, Jay, and his best friend, Carol, a talking lion appears, telling them of a wizard named Antignarot trying to conquer the world. Jay won't let that stand, so he and Carol join the lion (who claims to have once been a man named Atolla) and set off on a journey full of basically every RPG cliché in the book, such as a hunt for magic stones, monsters that attack randomly, keys that mysteriously vanish when used, and NPCs that don't know when to get out of the freaking way! They travel to an icy ruin, a fiery volcano, a forest populated by dragons, a cave that was once a training ground for ninjas, and other such locales. Along the way, they meet some allies in the fight, but also discover that Antignarot, dangerous though he is, may not in fact be the biggest threat around...

This is a re-imagining of the 2002 game Jay's Journey, with all sorts of changes and new surprises along the way. All your old friends will be along for the ride, and new to this version, Jarogo will lend his skills to your party!

But that's not all. This isn't called a "Double Feature" for laughs! Also included will be its never-before-released sequel! At the end of Jay's journey, the heroes believed they had sealed away the demon Xanabas for good. However, a mere six years later, Xanabas returns, stronger than ever! As Jay heads out to stop him again, something strange happens, and he finds himself in an unfamiliar forest surrounded by unfamiliar towns, where everyone talks about how Xanabas already rules the world, assisted by a team known as the "Aurora Generals". Now Jay finds himself needing to save two worlds, and perhaps discover some unexpected things about his own past...

Familiar faces return, and some new teammates join up as well! A mute artist, a clueless knight, and a bubbleheaded mermaid (who is actually a genius summoner) are just a few of the new faces you'll meet in Jay's Journey 2: Worlds Apart!

This demo contains four sequences, two from each game. It is the same one I released on the RPG Maker forums a while ago. This demo does use some placeholder graphics (most notably, for Atolla and Kanos); these will not be used in the final game.

Release date of final game undetermined.

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Not rated

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Last Modified: Mar 8, 2019

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