Jeff in the Box Prototype

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The basic idea for this game is that you are a jack-in-the-box named Jeff with all of the powers of a jack-in-the-box such as the power to transform into a box, leaving it where the character was, and Jeff starting at the beginning of that screen again. You use this to get through puzzles, defeat enemies, and go up against large bosses.

The prototype here is a project from college that I was revisiting and transforming into this new idea, but the basic gameplay mechanics are there. That is why the prototype is called "Suicide Booth".  The engine we had to use for that class was made by the professor specifically for learning to design games and have that be the focus rather than having the visuals be the focus as well as giving the teams additional restrictions as a catalyst for creativity. Right now, it’s more or less very large pixels and slow update times, so jumping can be a little weird at times and falling occurs step by step.



After downloading the Jeff in the Box, unzip it. In this folder, run the Suicide Booth executable.



  • Use the arrow keys to move left and right as well as up to jump.
  • Use the space bar to "die", leaving your body as a block to use to climb to the exit.
  • Backspace restarts the level.


I am working to remake this prototype in Unreal and/or Unity to have a better representation of the final product as well as have something better to present as a slice of what the final game could be. 

Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas about the game in the comments. Constructive criticism, other than things mentioned in this description, would be very helpful in improving the idea.

I am going to leave donations open and any donations will be used to improve the new version of the game.

Release date
Hoodoo Wolf Studios
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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