Jello Physics in Construct 3!
Fake Verlet-style physics body implemented using C3's built-in Physics Engine.
I noticed a few forum posts asking about how to implement "jello-like" physics and thought I'd give it a try.
Basically I made a sprite mesh and instantiated "Points" that are connected using a spring joint. Then I mapped the mesh-points to the physical skeleton using some black-magic (math). The end result is a Verlet-like springy-jello effect that can be applied to any Sprite object.
Unlike real Verlet there are no physical "Sticks" attached between the points. This means that objects can still make their way in-between the points and "inside" the sprite if narrow enough. It also makes him pretty prone to "breaking".
Source file is available to look at but beware: I HAD to use a snippet of Javascript since I couldn't figure out how to reference two instances of the same object type and apply a Physics.DistanceJoint between them.
Anyway have fun and let me know if it helps or you made something cool with it!