Use your grappling hook to hurtle through the air and complete the course in record time!
Move the mouse to aim and click to grapple. That's all there is to it!
This is an entry for OpenJam 2020.
Source code at
PRs opened during the Jam:
This game contains assets from many authors. See Credits for details on the assets and their licenses.
Assets not mentioned in Credits were created by me, and are licensed as follows:
- Code is MIT licensed
- Assets are CC-BY-SA-4.0 licensed
- Motion Blur shader by @Bauxitedev (MIT)
- Arturia Acid music by Doctor Dreamchip (CC0)
- Applause sound by Bansemer (CC0)
- Wind sound by LolitaPerdurabo (CC-BY-3.0)
- Boost sound by TiesWijnen (CC0)
- Menu Select sound by LittleRobotSoundFactory (CC-BY-3.0)
- Menu Change sound by victorium183 (CC0)
- Lap Complete sound created with bfxr