Jiayou MemoVirus
It is a tactical-memory game, built as a documentary. Follow Doctor Li, end relive the early days of the Coronavirus epidemic.
- The outbreak from Huanan Seafood Market,
- The courage the quarantined population in Wuhan ("Wuhan, Jia You !"),
- The "Diamond Princess" fiasco,
- and more...
Contain and cure 5 different types of viruses, only with you memory and a little bit of strategy.
The game is still in early beta, so don't hesitate to play and comment below, and follow us @JiayouMemoVirus !
What is coming next :The game is still an early beta. More is coming !
- Some general improvements to the interface, and general gameflow
- Play custom levels
- Play infinite mode, with tons of action, bonuses, but also very mean viruses ;-)
- French version for the story mode
I (Fabien or Flap) have been fascinated with the contagion mecanism in games since a long time. The idea of mixing the memory and contagion suddenly came up, and felt natural : there is a lot of guessing too when trying to contain an epidemic.
When I proposed the idea to Rature, he liked it, and we decided to make a game together.
Later, while witnessing the early days of the epimic unfolding, such as Wuhan quarantine, the prejudices against chinese-looking and the #IamNotAVirus hashtag, or the iconic death of Li Wenliang... We realized that there was a story to be told.
Read more about the "Story behind the game"in the devlog