Joined Attack
Game made for GMTK Game Jam 2021
Theme: Joined Together
How to play:
- Your goal is to convert all points to blue.
- To attack red point select blue point and then select joined red point which you want to attack. Then type power of the attack.
- You can attack with more than one point.
- If you attack with more than red dot value you will convert it to blue.
- When you are ready press green arrow at the top rigth corner of the screen.
- After you press green arrow red points will attack every blue points with is joined to them with one power point.
- Then will be your turn again.
- Press M to mute/unmute sound.
- Press R to restart level.
Game made by JokubasG
Audio effects:
Forest Walk by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)