Journey Without an End
< Instead of starting your journey, you've been searching the end of the journey you've been for years. You would just do a suicide mission however it looks like the reward of your journey is immortality. >
I wanted to challenge myself to make a C game in raylib for the first time however that didn't work out. I ended up going from Raylib C to Raylib C# to Unity in order to finish the game. I had a fun time though challenging myself. I'll eventually release a video here of the development process. Anyway here's how I approached the theme.
- Player Respawn
- Can't kill the boss "Death is not the End Boss"
I probably could interpret the theme better but I was trying to challenge myself in coding in C more than actually trying to make a feasible game. Ha. Regardless hope you enjoy it, and if you don't enjoy the game then I hope you enjoy the video of my development process when it comes out. Cheers to a fun jam!