Jumping Challenge

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This is a manipulation game where players control a character using the left and right movement keys, continuously jumping downwards. Each step on a board earns a certain number of points, avoiding touching the ceiling or a nail board to maintain health. Over time, the speed at which the boards rise gradually increases, testing the player's reaction speed and skills.

Types of boards:
1. Normal boards: basic boards, standing on which prevents the loss of health.
2. Conveyor belt boards: allow the character to move horizontally on the board, increasing the game's difficulty.
3. Nail boards: touching them results in the loss of health, unless a protective shield item is used.

Health and game over:
The character hits the ceiling or a nail board, losing health, and when health reaches zero, the game ends. In the air, when stepping into empty space, the character falls straight to the bottom, and the game ends.

1. Health items: restore one health point, providing additional survival opportunities.
2. Shield items: prevent the loss of health when touching a nail board.
3. Slow-down items: slow down the speed at which the boards rise for 10 seconds.
4. Bonus items: provide extra points, increasing the overall score.
5. Wing items: the character grows wings, and pressing the up key allows them to fly for 10 seconds.

Game features:
1. Continuous challenges, with the increase in levels, the speed at which the boards rise gradually increases.
2. Flexible use of items, increasing the player's survival ability and score.
3. This game combines reaction speed and strategy, providing players with an exciting and engaging gaming experience. In the process of continuous challenges, players can fully explore the effects of various items, challenge higher levels, and use game scores to unlock exquisite CG images in the gallery.
Release date
JC games
JC games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: window7/10/11
  • Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
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Last Modified: Apr 1, 2024

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