Entry for the Fennel Game Jam and exhibition game for Fen2, a 2 bit fantasy Fennel console.
Let me know if the linux version gives you issues!
the Fen2 fantasy console is a work in progess at https://notabug.org/selfsame/fen2. At the moment it is loading files/testapp/app.fnl
The following bindings are available:
draw_text(string, x, y color_bool) load_img(path) draw_img(path, x, y, color_bool) draw_sprite(path, x, y, sprite_x, sprite_y, sprite_w, sprite_h, color_bool) load_sound(path) play_sound(path, looped_bool, volume) draw_rect(x, y, w, h, color_bool) draw_rect_lines(x, y, w, h, thickness, color_bool) show_mouse(bool) mouse_pos() mouse_down(0_1_2) ; 0 right button 1 left, 2 middle mouse_pressed(0_1_2) mouse_released(0_1_2) key_down(stringkeycode) key_pressed(stringkeycode) key_released(stringkeycode)