Jusant reviews

A fun and intimate experience; however, the story did not touch me in any way. I can see why some people like it, but it was just not for me.

Gameplay-wise, it is really simple but effective. You truly feel like you're climbing, but I think spamming should be punished – I started doing that in the endgame, to be honest. I know the game's intent is not to be challenging, though. Also, that doesn't mean the gameplay couldn't be a little more profound, such as having level design that expects you to choose the best path intelligently to manage your stamina effectively. I also believe the game is not always that intuitive regarding the path you should take. But I don't know, maybe I'm just not very smart, since most of the time, the way was right in front of me.

The graphic is good enough and the game runs fine, but should be better since is simple. About the iniciative itself, I loved. I expect Don't Nod tries more games like that in the future.