Just Business (sprvlln)
Inspired by the original GTA (playstation 1), Just Business is a minimalist gore top-down survival shooter in an (technically) infinite procedurally generated casino tower.
The game can be played with multiple different strategies, and the player's actions can drastically change the environment for better or worse.
Upon starting a new game, walk next to the red car to see a list of the controls.
The goal is to reach the highest possible floor in the casino, but typically that requires travelling through dangerous floors with rooms full of dead bodies and necromancers, optional boss fights (bosses have randomly generated "titles" and names), OR large amounts of in-game "cash" (not real currency, just a points system) to pay for the elevator to raise them up to higher floors.
Pro-tip: Remember, If you pull out your gun, pretty much everyone is pulling out a gun.
Feeling lucky?
During a run, once there have been 10 deaths in the casino, Police will begin to siege the casino tower and from then on they will control every floor up to 7 times the amount of deaths. (A cop death counts as two deaths)
There is a grey-to-blue progress bar on the left side HUD (above the health, stamina, ammo, cash, and animated player face emotes) which mimics the look of the Casino tower itself, allowing you to track the progress of the police. The blue filled in area represents how many floors the police are in control of, and the very top of the bar represents the highest floor the player has reached so far in the current run.
Most of the slots machines you'll find in the Casino are "broken", and these broken machines are either lucky or cursed. Broken slots machines have two out of their three rollers stuck in place on a specific type of item.
There are a variety of possible winnings on the slots machine mini-game, such as the 777 jackpot, immediate death, nothing at all, large cash win, small cash win, and the imfamous 666 roll
Aligning three 6's in the slots machine minigame will release hell upon that slot machine, creating a portal that can be used to travel between the current casino floor and floor number -666, this is the only way to reach floor number -666.
All NPC's and moveable objects can travel between all floors just like the player, using any staircase, elevator, or hell portal.
Hell portals burn the area around them with constant flames, and allow demons to freely enter the casino without player interaction, which can quickly cause a ruckus. (When in hell, NPCs can find their way through the portal into hell, so you won't be alone with the demons.)
Hell itself, or floor number -666, is a largely open cave system randomly generated with noise, and home to the demons, whomst carry much more money than their slightly more mortal NPC counterparts.
There is a virus spreading amongst the casino dwellers, if an infected NPC gets near an uninfected NPC, infection will spread immediately, those that have been infected will not die fully, but immediately reanimate as a zombie and need to be killed again, zombies will lay on the ground lifeless again once killed as a zombie.
All necromancers carry this same viral infection, but worship it like a god, and the emission of their viral projections reach much farther than an average infected person. The reach of a necromancer's (or "mage's") infection spread also reanimates any dead bodies it touches, including bodies of zombies that have been killed thrice or more. (Zombie deaths do not count towards the total casino run deaths, as they are already truly dead)
Many of the NPCs you will encounter can be talked to if still in their normal passive states, some will be merchants and some will be quest givers.
Merchant NPCs provide shop systems for the player to spend their money, and will either be Arms Dealer or Bartender merchant types.
Arms Dealer merchant NPCs will offer an array of randomly priced random amounts of random types of ammo, as well as randomly priced randomly generated guns, these guns all have their own stats such as clipsize, semi or auto, firerate, bullet speed, and damage mod. The types of guns you will find are Pistols, Sub-machine guns, Rifles, Shotguns, and Flamethrowers, each with their own respective ammos, except the pistol and SMG both share the 9mm bullet.
Bartender merchant NPCs will offer an array of randomly priced randomly generated "brews", from three main "types" of brew: Ale, Mead, and Beer. Every brew has it's own unique procedurally generated image, with every bottle, cap, label, logo, and art being hand picked by a long script called ItemSynth.
Brews each have their own stat-changing effects unique to each brew, which affects/colorizes/distorts the screen visuals, making the player wobble and move around on it's own drunkenly, while also constantly buffing health and stamina to nearly god mode replenishment during the entire inebriation (time length of drunkenness is also variable to each unique brew).
Quest Giver NPCs will open a dialog box for the player with randomly generated speech indicating that the NPC is offering the player money for payment if they go and kill another NPC on a nearby floor number, and they even give you the randomly generated name of that target NPC they want killed.
There is a quest book in the pause menu that keeps an accurate list of all active incomplete quests the player has started, to remind you of each victim-to-be's name and the floor number they can be found at.
Any NPC that you started a quest for will have a yellow ring around them that will become green when their quest is completed, and will pay you around 5x their wallet_amount when talking to them after their quest is completed. (wallet_amount is the amount of loot an NPC drops on death, and is higher on higher floors)
An NPC that is targeted in any hitman quest you have started will have a red ring around their character, killing them will remove that quest from your book, but you can retrieve your reward from the NPC that gave you the quest.
There is a script called BlahMachine that creates speech bubbles for NPCs that speak randomly generated text in response to situations. There are also action bubbles with random onomatopoeias that occur randomly on events like punching, kicking, missing a punch or a kick, shooting (from the barrel of the gun), and bullet hits (which are the funniest ones).
You can grab things with right-click if your player's hand is near them, like objects and NPCs, and carry them around the casino, releasing right-click when holding something will attempt to throw it far from the player. Grabbing things like couches or NPCs could prove useful as a sort of bullet shield in some situations.
Each floor you visit in a run will have it's own procedurally generated song, a script called PersonalMusician decides how many instruments each song should have and randomly picks which rhythms to play.
There is an online leaderboard ranking system, when you die you can enter your name and it will be listed alongside the highest floor you reached during that run.How high can you get?
This game was made by one person, steven spiro angelakis jr
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