Translated by
Microsoft from Italian
Microsoft from Italian
Product received for free This is Italian review. Sorry, I don't think I have the ability to write a English review.
-Mainly This Visual Novel has no cutscene or various animation, being simple and not very different from others, it only has the background image and the text.
Enemies and various battles are not complicated, if faced with the right level of experience. Except for the final boss, I found a lot of effort, but nothing that can not be managed patiently.
Link to the full review:
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Microsoft from French
Great game.
+ Very different and very stereotyped heroines.
+ Quality illustrations.
+ English voice of good taste. (good intonation, sticks well to the characters) + nice story, funs moments.
+ Combat system (alien) and interesting training.
+ An accessible English, so I guess well written... brief nothing to do with the English translations of Chinese novels.
+ Dynamic soundtrack, it changes the little music to the piano and it's no worse. ^^-Animations a little slow. (plan changes, combat animations)-few options.
-Bug of a success since the Indonesian update, I installed a previous version for it to work.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
At the Game, I'm a bit torn back and forth. The Characters were quite interesting, but unfortunately you couldn't help shape the Story by Making decisions, but everyone was very linear.
One has tried to comb a Visual Novel with turn-based Battles. Unfortunately, this has not succeeded too well, as the Fights are really annoying, but necessary to earn Money and ultimately defeat the Final Opponent (and also to be able to complete Quests).
It is Commendable that the Game has a close Setting (normal it is, if any, at most Japanese, which is not interesting for me).
FAZIT: The Game has very good Approaches and good Characters, but instead of the Fight Mode, you'd rather have bet on a Story that the Player can help determine.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
Product received for free Vifth Floor has here, trying to connect several Game elements together. However, too much focus has been placed on the Question of whether it can be done and not on whether this should be done. The Balancing Act between the Elements doesn't quite work out and so there's a lot going on here. The Characters are good and for a certain Time the Fun is available. In the Long run, however, you notice more And more problems with the design of Just Deserts and the Dating Sim Aspect is no longer enough to keep one at the Pole here. Instead of focusing on creating a decent Dating Sim, you just wanted too much here, so everything didn't have the Quality it could have had. At The end of the Day, the Illustrations kind of rip it out for me.
A detailed Review can be found here.