Just one more drink, please.
My friend wanted to get Just one more drink and he went to a Bar... then I didn't know what happened...
The game
Just one more drink, Please. is a semi-active ragdoll game where the combat system is a bit strange, but fun! Try to get the best score before getting knocked-out!
Controls (there is an optional small tutorial in the game)
- Move with "ASDW".
- Use right click button to punch with your right hand, and left click to do it with your left hand.
- Keep pressed 'C' to crouch (use it to avoid attacks)
- Left shift to run (it consumes stamina)
- Middle mouse button + mouse movement to rotate.
- Mouse scrollwheel to zoom in/out.
Game made in 48 hours for a Game Jam: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2020