A local multiplayer game for as many players as many buttons you have around!
Each player is a duck, and there's a crown. You have 60 seconds - after that, the player with the crown on their head wins!
Ducks are moving forwards. When you press your button, duck starts to turn left. When you press your button again, it moves forwards again.
Supported buttons:
- keyboard buttons
- mouse buttons
- gamepad buttons
- joystick buttons
- dance mat buttons
- touchscreen, if you imagine it's a one big button
- USB Buttons from usbbutton.com
- and probably more buttons
(press F on title screen to toggle fullscreen)
Made during PGG Jam - ALL PLAY: Accessibility by Poznańska Gildia Graczy
PS. Original jam build also uses the LED lights from USB Buttons, but works correctly only with them as controllers (and only on GNU/Linux)!