An educational game about recycling and keeping our seashores clean.
Match all the garbage with their respective trash cans and clear the coastline in as few strokes as possible!
Made by Martín Álvarez Castillo in ~14 hours for the https://talentumtelefonica.com/GameJam2018/
There are 3 differenty colored trash cans. You must launch the garbage to the corresponding colored trash can. There is no stroke limit or penalty for playing bad
Left Mouse Click an item to launch it in the desired direction
Mouse Wheel Click / Right Mouse Button: Move the camera around
Mouse Wheel: Zoom in/out
3D assets by their respective creators:
- Cakeslice (assetstore.unity.com/publishers/25766)
- Elias_t (github.com/eliasts)
- Game Developers Conference (www.gdconf.com)
- Guardian(guardian5.itch.io)
- John Leonard French (assetstore.unity.com/publishers/2478)
- Kenney (kenney.nl)
- Indie Mike (indie-mike.itch.io)
- Iron Moon Studios (ironmoonstudios.itch.io)
- T Allen Studios (t-allen-studios.itch.io)