Kaitiaki Harvest
Kaitiaki Harvest is a small quest-based foraging game, where you have to gather up medicinal plants to gain each star of Matariki.
WASD/Arrows to move. Click on highlighted plants when nearby to gather.
Programming - Marco, Riley
Music/SFX - Finn Mitchell-Anyon - finneganeganegan.xyz
Art - Tina
Team Mentor and overall great help! - Hermione Mac
Karakia - Barry Soutar, Ngāti Porou
Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand
Science Learning Hub | Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao
Te Mahi Māra Hua Parakore: A Māori food sovereignty handbook - Te Tākapu and Jessica Hutchings
Matariki The star of the Year - Rangi Matamua
Living by the moon - Wiremu Tāwhai
Dustimo Font - Cheapskate Fonts