Kamikaze Attack

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Installation: download the archive, unpack and launch the .exe.

Kamikaze Attack is a Multiplayer (though Singleplayer is supported) game inspired by my mod for a Serious Sam game.

At the start of each round, one player is chosen as the Human, and their goal is to survive for the specified amount of time. Everyone else plays as Kamikazes and have to blow up the Human player by coming as close to them as possible and exploding oneselves.

Human has a rifle which can wound Kamikazes (causing them to freeze for a bit) and eliminate them. Human's default speed is slower than that of the Kamikazes, but he can outrun them by sprinting.

The game has 3 maps to choose from and a number of other configurable parameters, such as the number of Kamikazes, target survival time, mouse sensitivity and music volume.

The game is playable alone (with computer-controlled bots acting as Kamikazes), but is more fun in Multiplayer. Note that in order to connect to your friend via the Internet, you must have your 7777 port forwarded in your router settings and use an IPv4 address!

Multiplayer supports join-in-progress and replaces Kamikaze players with bots if they leave during the game. 


Music and sound resources are from Serious Sam 4. Explosion effect is from a free pack on the Unity asset store. Rifle model is from Brackey's free Futuristic Weapon pack. Explosion icon is taken from Google pictures. The font used is FiraSans. 

All else is made by me. The game was made in Unity utilizing Mirror as the networking module.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: May 14, 2021

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