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Let us live

on this land so arid.

KARAKARA. It is the sound of aridity. It is the sound of dry asphalt and sandy winds. It is the sound of relentless sunshine, as well as the sound of a withering race.

The "Age of Dusk." It is a time of senescence for the human species, during which hybrids known as the "Others"—those who are human, yet not—exist in great numbers. On the windswept barrens of a land without moisture, a small gathering of people make their living in a world they no longer know. Down a stretch of highway and far from the heart of the town are two such people who run a small diner. To them, the circumstances that reshaped their world is of far less concern than the number of lunch boxes they can load into their delivery vehicle. After all, leaving customers hungry is not good for business, and business keeps them fed. Day after day, they occupy themselves with the endless work of their store. However, the comfortable monotony of their daily lives is turned on its head when they discover a large suitcase by the roadside on their way home from deliveries. Lying on the suitcase, unmoving, is a young girl with pink hair...

Though parched, they keep each other company,

and while hollow, they fill each other's voids.

So shall they live

on this land so arid.

  • Continuing the story from KARAKARA
  • Meet Rebecca=Valentine, One day, she visits Leon's diner. With a gentle, tender personality and the disposition of an older sister, she handles any and all household chores flawlessly, and has excellent skills in horticulture -- rare in this "Age of Dusk". But the truth is, she is under certain "circumstances"...
  • Meet Mari=Mizuno, Holding ninjas in great esteem, this girl trains day and night. Leon finds her on the brink of starvation and comes to her aid, leading her to respect him greatly. She never slacks on her training, leading her to possess great physical prowess -- she makes full use of this, volunteering to guard the diner.
Release date
Sekai Project
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 or above
  • Processor: 1Ghz
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1280 x 720
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
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Last Modified: Sep 17, 2019

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1 edit
Feb 27, 2019
ギャルゲー部門 StylishNoob part2
Nov 12, 2017
WILL YOU MARRY ME?! - KARAKARA2 #01 (Let's Play)
Nov 12, 2017
Let's Play: KARAKARA - Part 1 - As or A's?
Jun 28, 2016
The SaD Games
IS THIS NECRO... ? - KARAKARA2 #06 (Let's Play)
Nov 17, 2017
Let's Play | KARAKARA 2 - Part 1 - I'm a Hot Commodity
Nov 11, 2017
The SaD Games
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KARAKARA2 reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
I Think it's definitely for me the best visual novel I've ever played. The Soundtrack is absolutely perfect, the characters although they sin of clichés, you take a lot of affection. It Is A shame that there is no patch in Spanish (at least for now), although not a problem for me because the story is very easy to understand even in English. It gave Me about 5 hours of play, which for a visual novel is not bad. I Honestly liked it a little more than the first one, although I would highly recommend them both. Believe me, I've never had so much fun watching the day-to-day characters working in a restaurant. 100% recommended.
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
If you want an adorable VN with charismatic characters you see the first game, that's pretty good. On the other hand, it eliminates those strengths that had the first and introduces two new characters which do not contribute practically anything new. It Is true that this is longer but for me the quality has decreased and the plot of the first chapter is quite recycled. Unfortunately the characters of the first game go to a much more secondary plane to introduce more new (a problem that I think is quite important too). [Attention Spoiler] On the other hand we have the love relationship which could not have been more free and even more with the protagonist shown feelings for all other characters and having with this one of the most vague and run-down developments in these two games. * If you have the DLC of the scenes NSFW both the first and second the plot of the second has much more sense but this does not remove what I said earlier.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Karakara2-all ages/Steam version/Kinetic Novel-Successful Sequel to Karakara: Picture, Music & Setting have succeeded again and convince, therefore without many Circumstances: 10/10! At the Time of The Reviewers, the Written Version is available in English, Japanese & Chinese And Setting in Japanese. German is not included or available. No particular Depth in the Story, much emerges or emerges in the Course of it. One or the other aha effect still exists. There is room for about 4 Hours of serene reading. For all The Furry ... Um... Karakara Fans: The Ending gives The prospect of another Part. Afterword: Considering that Is offered at Karakara2 of the DLC (~ Adult Patch) at the same Price as the Steamversion, this means to me: Half of the Production Covers Ecchi scenes. Let Us hope that calme reduces Ecchi Part for upcoming Projects and delivers more Story. As this is my personal Wish, this Paragraph has no Effect on my Rating.
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