KDA Fan Game
[PT-BR] Fan game feito em stream baseando-se nas skins KDA e PENTAKILL usando PixelArt \o/.
Espero que a Riot me permita terminar o fan game com a história e o polimento que tenho planejado (sons, animações, efeitos ...).
Espero que gostem :D!
[EN] Fan game made in stream based on KDA and PENTAKILL skins using PixelArt \o/.
I hope that Riot allow me to finish the fan game with the history and the polish that i've planned (sounds, animations, effects ...).
I hope you enjoy :D!
Setas/Arrows = Movimentação/Movement
Espaço/Space = Pulo/Jump
Q = Kunai
W = Graffiti
E = Shuriken
R = Ult
Canal/Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/player_dbr