Keep IT Alive (KebabuTurka)
# Keep IT Alive
The year is 20XX. In those dark times eveything is automated, even programming. You, however, are one of the last bastions of the older ways. You actually employ *people* in you IT company.
So get creative, struggle and, most importantly, profit - **Keep IT Alive**!
## Instructions:
* Playing in full screen is recommended
* You can rotate building in building mode by pressing Q/E
* You can demolish buildings by pressing button in bottom right corner.
* When in game, click escape->Help for some general information
* Optimize your processes and get that Revenue Per Minute!
* ProTip: Mergers can also merge Empty Conveyor with Non-Empty Conveyor
* Use Trash can to unblock belts occupied by items
### Note:
We recommend downloading Windows build - sound is somewhat glitchy on web build
* The only sound we did not make is the Theme song.
It would be a shame not to judge all the other sound, so keep that in mind when judging.