KickHim reviews

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Microsoft from Deutsch
For an unexplained Reason, you have to "kick" 4 different Characters with a boot symbol as a Mouse Pointer. Funny In itself, though not particularly realistic. The Types come out of different Doors every few Seconds-that's still very easy as there are only fewer Doors and they get out slowly. Later On, there will be a lot more Doors and everything has to get faster. Then it also makes Fun to do n bit for his Reflexes and the "Aim." Achso: By the Way, you also have to kick down Keys to collect them. Probably to unlock new Levels, but you can play the Game 100% in 20 Minutes if you are not unable to do TOTAL. You don't really have to mention that you can "upgrade" the Boot with 3 other Weapons, but in the End This Makes absolutely no Difference in the Animations or the Damage, since everything is 1-Hit KOs. You can give yourself once for little Money + then transport to the 100% Library + tick off. 5/10
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Well, what can I say. 99ct for a Game that can loosely be considered a Flashgame? A short Time it was Fun, but then it was. Click a little to kick people out the Door and so Level by level priority! The Levels increase the Level Of difficulty only through Doors and Speed, which, well ... Not necessarily Difficult. Then there are items and that was the Point of why I got it. I like Games where you upgrade Stuff ... If you were notice it. Here it is like simply having a different Symbol as a Cursor. Add to That the Fact that I'm not sure except for the Drill at the Hitbox, as I definitely would have to meet when I step the Guest into the Stomach-group ... Was not always the Case. Otherwise, the Game is short, Graphically the whole Opposite of something beautiful and the Game principle also something you have already seen in some Flashgames. Maybe I'll put it on again when I'm blue, but for now I'm not ... Score 8/100pct
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Microsoft from Deutsch
OMG dear Developers! When I briefly tested this Game, I had to ask myself with increasing Minute: "What did I get into there" The Name itself sounds quite interesting, but The Game principle is simply knitted to quite uninteresting (Remember the movie KickAss 2 which also takes place For most, was disappointing). You can use a Shoe or other Item (4 of which are to choose from!) to Transport an uninvited Guest out of the Building. Yes and it already was. As levels increase, you unlock further Character (3 in number) and the Doors of the Buildings also increase, but the principle remains the Same. Only in the last Level do you have a small Challenge if you have a Reaction capacity of a Snail. The Shop system is not the Real thing, either. Bought Items Are no different from each other, and if you switch to a previous Item, you can no longer use the previous one at a small Number of Keys. On the Whole, the Game entertained me pretty briefly. After all the negative Feedback also something positive: Achievement Collectors and Badge-hunter Will have their bright Joy here. Within about 15 Minutes I had all the Achievments. Choco Rating: 1 out of 10 Points (the 1 but also only because of the Achievments and the Badges)