Kid'z Survival: Low Poly World
WASD for mouvement, SHIFT for sprint, TAB for inventory, Right Mouse for secondary weapons, Left Mouse for use item weapons, Scrool Mouse Wheel for change weapons, C for crouch, E for take item & Space for jump, Arrows to rotate.
Search and build your weapons and equipment, get ready and go around the world to face the boss. Increase your inventory, make you armor, weapons, food and water and build your house. Kid'z Survival: LowPolyWorld is a small platform action game inspired by Zelda and Mario with a little bit of survival, in this game you will explore the little world that I have carefully prepared for you, juggling between search Items and food as well as drinking water, find some treasures, avoid snares,build weapons and lots of things including homes for whatever you find the plan, clashes with super villains that spawn At each fell of the night,and finally when you are ready you will go to defeat a big and nasty BOSS. After the final fight you have two choices, stay in the world or go out through the door to derive the boss(if you have a bug collision restart the game, if you can not leave the game from the main menu use ALT + F4 command).
*If you like the game, support this.
Add correction Bug and Boss LIFE Update.
(For the futur i try to make a save mode and another level, ramdom dungeon and probably one survival mode for coop online).
My other game: