«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Is it unfair to rate a Game after 14 Minutes? Yeah, maybe. Very likely even. With this Title, however, the Time is long to get an appropriate Overview. Kill The Emoji ... No, wrong. KILL THE EMOJI 's an Arena shooter or something? One spawns in a clear Map and is gradually attacked by more And more Emojis. Spread throughout the Map are Spawn Points for Weapons, Ammunition and Powerups. There are Pistols, Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Shotguns and maybe more, but I don't care now. There Are also numerous Types of opponents, such as , , , , , and many more. Unfortunately, I have not yet noticed and . All these disappearing Emojis have different Abilities. Some stay close to the Ground and only Cause Melee Damage, others fly and shoot Projectiles, others explode if they get too close to one. They come in different Sizes, Colors and Speeds. Some endure more, others do more Damage, the usual stop. There are exactly 2 Things I have to take advantage of the Game: 1. It actually looks quite acceptable. The Weapon models in particular look good and so do some of the Arenas. 2. The Developers did not use Hitscan weapons. So You don't just have to hold something up for yourself, you can also dodge the Bullets ' Projectiles and even shoot them out of the Air. Very cool. Now the Bad. Ammunition and Weapons are numerous, but not very well distributed. You often find yourself in a Situation where you just walk in Circles while being followed by a Horde emojis. Occasionally you find some Ammunition, kill a few of the and then keep running in Circles. Reading His actual Ammunition Stand is also very difficult, as you get an Achievment for every Emoji killed, at least at the Beginning. And unless you have changed it, the Notification for this Achievment will appear exactly above the Ammunition display. And there are a total of 602 Achievments. Graphics Settings also leave something to be desired. There is "Fast" and "Good." Typical asset flip stop. After all, it runs smoothly, even if you have selected "Good." (Small Addendum: Looks acceptable and runs quite well, but I would still really like to exhibit this ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ing blooming effect ) But the "best" thing about the Game is to be seen when, at the End of your first Round, you were inevitably lynched by an angry Mob . You then come back to the Main Menu and you want to try the next Arena directly. You click on the selected Arena, but nothing happens. No Charging Screen, no Charging Bar, no Feedback, nothing. You click a few more times until you think to yourself at some point, "Hmm, well, maybe I'll have to score a few more Points in the first one," and then click on those same. Same Picture, nothing happens. You click a few more times until you think to yourself, "Shit on it, I'm playing something Sensible." And just the Moment you want to go back to the Main Menu, the one Arena invites. But not just once. Several Times, very often in a row. You get this with you yourself because you spawn again and again, dozens Of times within a few Moments. At some Point you can move freely and finally want to put Emojis on the Fresco again. But then you won't be thrown out of that into the other Map. Again, you spawn countless Times in a few Seconds, until you are thrown back into the Main Menu first and then spawn one last Time on one of the Maps. Now you can finally play. This technical Fiasco hats sealed for me. That and the Fact that the Game is also just terribly boring and has nothing to offer except "lol xD mem humor." The few Arenas are far too small and low in variation. Any of the non-high Score hunters or Achievmenthunter will not find a Replay Value. And even the Humour is solely due to the Existence of the Emojis. So depending on how funny you find it to shoot at , you're going to have a lot or little Fun with this Game. I give this Game . That makes the Game . I would forgive a higher Rating if there were , and as Enemy Types. And if the Game Had loading Screens. Quite Rubbish, but what do you expect from a Game that means KILL THE EMOJI and cost €3. Whoever buys this is to Blame himself.