Killing the Stranger
KILLING THE STRANGER is an experimental visual-novel that draws cues from Sega-CD era games like Night Trap, featuring switchable characters and a dynamic narrative that shifts, morphs, and evolves and depending on who you devote your attention to. Four wildly different personalities set out to experience the world for the first time, and it's through their lenses that the vivid picture of the human experience is painted anew.
Like previous hedonistic adventure VOGUENET, Killing the Stranger is a small part of a much greater whole. The available prologue is once again giving the player a slice of life in an abstract other world, this time split four ways.
-Switch between each of the four characters at any time
-Wildly-occurring branching paths
-Sensible inventory puzzles
-High degree of replayability
(Available prologue is not fully representative of final game!)