Kim Vs King!
Welcome to Kim Vs King: A retro-style game where a lone peasant, called Kim, must confront the corrupted king of Gothnor! The only help that he has is rocks to hide behind, and chests to destroy for extra health. He must survive five ways before he can fully defeat the king. I recommend downloading if you can, because the colours looks better that way, and you can save your best times!
The game is playable with a keyboard, but I recommend a controller! You can use an Xbox, Playstation, or Switch controller, but it is optimized for an Xbox controller. A warning for Switch and Playstation users: The back and select buttons may not be what they normally are, but they are one of the four letter or shape buttons. Controls for all devices are in the game.
Bugtracker (Report bugs in the comments for them to appear here):
- [All Platforms] The mouse does not hide when a controller button is pressed
- [Mac] The window title/buttons are low-res on high-dpi monitors (Let me know if this affects Windows as well)