In Kinderbattling , your units( kids) are extremely powerful. In fact, the only limit is the amount you care for them! So, a unit could move twice and then attack four times, as long as you had enough care saved up. Furthermore, you have to CARE for every unit once every two turns, or they'll become bored, and as you know, a bored kid won't exactly follow your orders. Then, if your opponent desides to TAKE CARE of your kid, they'll start following their orders and flip sides.
Therefore, Kinderbattling is really just about managing your most precious resource, CARE. Will you care for every unit every turn, making sure that they won't get stolen? Or will you risk it all in hopes to destroy their HQ in a single turn? Or maybe even using all your CARE to recruit/upgrade an army of lovely kids, even with the risk of it getting stolen?