King Kong vs Godzilla
This is the greatest fight of the century! King Kong vs Godzilla! This is a 2 player local fighter, so grab an opponent and get ready for the fight of your life! If you are using controllers (recommended) player 1 will be Godzilla and player 2 will be King Kong.
Each player has their health and life counter (Ex. GODZILLA: 3) means you have 3 lives remaining. After you use an ability (except the flame throw for Godzilla) you will wait for the cooldown to be able to use it again, this cooldown is indicated on the bottom of the screen.
King Kong -
Controller: A (Up arrow) - jump
B (Down arrow) - drop fast
RB (Left shift) - Slam Down
X (Slash) - pickup/throw (Godzilla will automatically be thrown)
Left stick (arrow keys) - left and right
Triggers (Semicolon and quotes) - rotate
Godzilla -
Controller: A (W) - jump
B (S) - drop fast (does slam ability on impact if going fast enough)
X (Space) - dab (big explosion)
Left stick (A and D) - left and right
Triggers (Q and E) - rotate
RB (Tab) - throw fire