Kitten's Odissey
Game languagues is Spanish
but it has also visual language, making it playable for other language speakers too.
Added Credits:
This game (or tutorial for a future game) was designed in order to fulfill an Computer Engineering degree subject.
Cat model is a free Assets Store Unity asset, i dont remind the author but if i can know it i will post it here.
All cat animations, plus some coding and test were driven by my partner Luis Sánchez Casanueva, half credits should go for him. Although, i'm sure he gives me the rights to post it here for you all. Enjoy it if you like it and thank him too.
- There are several minor bugs, most of them only related to animation.
- If you get to trigger the respawn bug, dont panic, it may come to land in short time.
- Last part of the tutorial may have buggy physics, due to lack of time by the end to fix them.