Kiyo and the Unreliable Hero
Kiyo and the Unreliable Hero is a 2D video game in which you will play as a little spirit who will have to do everything to save the life of a careless knight. The game is a hybrid between a tower defense and a puzzle game in which you will have to modify the environment that surrounds the knight and his enemies in order to obtain the greatest possible advantage in combat and to make the knight overcome various obstacles.
More specifically, in this game you will have the possibility to summon different kinds of alchemical circles and interact with mechanisms to help the "hero" in his journey.
FeedbackCritiques are well accepted! To give us a feedback you can directly write it in the game from the scene "Feedback", or use this form.
System requirements for PC
System requirements for macOS
System requirements for Linux
Last Modified: Dec 7, 2020
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