KMG Tournament: Kiss More Girls

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Welcome to KMG Tournament: Kiss More Girls! Have you ever thought to yourself "I'd love to play sports, but I just feel like there isn't enough kissing involved." If you have let me just say... you're welcome.

KMG Tournament is a collection of small local multiplayer sports games ranging from 2 to 8 players in which you win by kissing your teammates and opponents.

This contains updated versions of 2 previously released titles as well as 3 new games! All games are local multiplayer, with both keyboard and controller support.

Skydivers - 2 teams jump out of a plane with the simple goal of landing on a target and kissing their teammates on the ground. (4 players)

Smooch League - Fencing, but with your mouth. Players compete to get close to each other and initiate a kiss to earn points. (2 players)

Tonsil Hockey - 2 teams compete to push the opposing team members into their goal and kiss them to earn points. (2 or 4 players)

Speed Dating - Players maneuver around crowds of AI at a skating rink to kiss each other and earn points, while also trying not to fall down. (2 to 4 players)

Johann Sebastian Fuck - Players move around a circle trying to knock all players other than themselves and their secretly chosen crush out of the ring. (4 to 8 players)

The music for this game was done by Lucia Harper (@luciaraeharper). If you enjoy it, you can find it and her soundcloud here!

Release date
Ali K
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for macOS

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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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