Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Microsoft from Spain
Starting at the beginning: Approximate game Time is a 20 to 30 hours Pros:-It Is A free version of the second game (advisable without hesitation)-has a great difficulty so it is not recommended for people who start with games of this style (Al Te NER eg X type of enemy is weak to X power/spell and until you discover it does not mark it in the Bestuario).
-Great variability in subject of classes and objects and especially secret/unique objects.
-The Soundtrack is in if Beautiful is perfect with the game.
-Graphically is just as beautiful.
-References to MUCH content of both video games and culture.
Cons:-The game is pay 2 win [since we entered the menu of furniture (place where we can get passive improvements within the game) the only coin that accepts are the diamonds which are expensive (with respect to other games Free2play) the unlock characters and Clas It is also with diamonds and this would not be at all bad if it were not because they are extremely difficult to obtain at least 10 and besides that the "Mini expansions" (which are in if several missions more difficult than the rest) the first cost 200 and the other two even more Diaman Making it almost impossible to match people who pay real money.
-Ex Cost of everything: everything that is objects and improvements are extremely expensive some costing exsorbitantes quantities.
-Cost in Resusitar to your fallen characters; Being free 2 play is understood to cost us an X percentage to return to the life of any of our character but having value established an amount that increases for each level of our characters this makes you be a long time with 1 single characters (if you chose a "pro Fesion "Specifies that it costs us 0 Resusitarlo all the times that we want to) the problem here is the great cost that characters level 12 to give an example cost 1150 coins Resusitarlo in the early hours of games causes a loss of patience in almost any play Dor.
-Unpleasantly History: Although the story itself is not bad at first with muhas references such as Fallout or Mario or even Minecraft and in addition to the number of dialogues that are (mostly) are inceserarios all this does not achieve consiliar an interesting history.
-Npc´s little memorable.
In A nutshell this game is not At all recommended is a free and complete version of the second game with an exaggerated amount of the evil microtransactions breaking the good things that has both the first game and the second Buy the first or second Game that if they are worth (or Descargenlos) are ingenious and think what they do with their money and time.