Knights: The Colony - MMORPG

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This MMORPG game is growing with each new update it gets. Discover and fight countless unique mobs like fire beeings, golems, angels, soldiers and bosses.

Some wars end, other starts... The King gave the order! All warriors, return home to the South Colony. Thinking the fight is over, you teleport trough the magic portal home, only to find it in danger! The forces of the Undead opened a portal to our realm. The King & Queen called all able man to come and defend the Colony. After returning from the West battlefront, all thorn, bloody, tired and pennyless you try your best to survive, help your fellow villagers, soldiers, friends and foes...
Trough leveling up your charachter, finishing quests for different friends and foes you meet in the realms, slowly but surely you get a clearer picture of what is going on and the real peril ahead.
Determined to stop the new attacking forces you embark on a journey across the Colony, gathering crutial information, new armours and weapons which will help you defeat the legions of enemyes.
Your child memories of a calm and idilus place are slowly exchanged for violent enccounters, full of bandits, beast, monsters and mischifius individuals.

Stand up to the enemy!

Journey trough the wonderfull woods, desolate valleys, kingdoms, towns and villages to discover the story of the South Colony.

Play trough:
- 60 quests with a storyline
- Encounter 50+ unique NPCs, Pets, Bosses + 1 Ultimate boss
- Equip 15+ unique armours
- Yield 15+ unique weapons
- Level up your charachter trough 25 levels
- Learn Skills that will help you on your journey

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Nov 9, 2020

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