Knowledge Keeper (itch)
A Metroidvania without fetching items (and without a lot less by accident)
- In normal games in the genre, you must find a certain item/ability in order to progress through the level. In my game, the tools are always available to you, you just have to figure out how to use them with your own brain. The progress comes from your discovery, rather than from items/abilities.
A Metroidvania without unbeatable bosses
- In my game, you start in the boss room, but there are high odds you will not know how to beat him. That doesn't mean you can't however, in fact you can kill the boss in 30 seconds after you start up the game. But, the design principle behind it (and I say principle because in practice it didn't end up quite the same) is that you won't know how to beat the boss, even though you have all the tools. The game was meant to be designed so that you explore the world and figure out different things to beat the boss. For example, there were meant to be tentacle enemies that taught you fire beats tentacles. Things like that
E : Pick Up Item
Q : Drop Item
Shift: Dash
Left Mouse : Action