Krazy Keet Racers

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Entry for Cube Jam 1

The theme was "Clone" So I created a Mario Kart Clone. There are 3 Stages, and several Racer customizations to play around with. As of 0.8.6 you can set AI Difficulty in track select.


WSAD - Movement

Q - Look behind

SPACE - Use Item, Select, Continue, Exit After Race

ESC - Return to main menu, Exit Game


Collect items by picking up Rainbow Gems. You can only hold one Item at a given time.

Vulcan - Fires a barrage of bullets. Each bullet has little effect but you can score multiple hits.

Missile - Fires a slow but powerful missile straight ahead.

Mines - Drops two mines behind your Trike. Each one decreases speed by 1/3.

Boost - Temporary increase in speed. Will be canceled if you take damage.

Orbital Strike - Laser fired via GPS Satellite. Hits all opponents regardless of distance. Cuts Speed by half with each hit.

Boost pads:

Aside from Items there are also Yellow Gems which on contact initializes a nitro boost, increasing your Trike's speed. Mastering the location of these in a map is key to winning.


Raceway - A lush green track. Minimal Inclination and light turns. Easy track to learn to play.

Canyon - A desert Map. Lots of changes in inclination, ramps, choke-points, and water hazards (you loose speed while driving through water).  Very Technical map for Advanced Racers.

Magma track - Inside a massive volcano, this is a tracks for EXPERTS ONLY. You can easily fall of the track and never be heard from again. Lots of inclination, sharp turns, and even traps, in this multi-tiered track.


Thanks to SamMhmdy for code to translate to clock format.

Thanks to Jaime Zebgi for the Move Elastic behavior which was the foundation of my Kart Racer Behavior.

Thanks to Cynicmusic for the amazing free to use music.

Thanks to my wife who is and always the source of my strength in darkest of times.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jul 12, 2021

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